Powder: The Five Elements

Online course from the school of Spirit Garden

In our busy modern life, we lose the contact with nature more and more, and we tend to forget all the valuable lessons it can teach us. In this course, through an amazing and inspired movie, we are going to discover the five elements, as related to the human nature and psychology.

Be ready for an extraordinary journey, full of surprises and “Aha” moments. This is not a theoretical knowledge, when applied correctly it has the power to change your life to its best version. It is guaranteed you will have the tools to analyse and understand the world as you never imagined, giving you the power to react cleverly and adaptively to any situation you will face.

Are you ready to begin a journey to the depths of understanding and finding truth? In this course, we are going to provide you with 8 valuable lessons, that will give you marvellous tools.

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Our interactive course will put you in contact with several members of our team. You will have a main teacher and tutor for your process who will guide you through and give you insights about the course. Our experienced psychology team will conduct the course to follow up with your evolution.
This allows us to fully personalise your experience, and ensure the best results possible regarding your evolution.

Do you want to take the blue or the red pill? Do you want truth and evolution, or comfort and stagnation? If you choose the red pill, we will see you on the other side, where you can discover how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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This course will open your mind and the doors of our learning centre. We care to give you the best personalised guidance, follow-up, feedback and exercises, to reach a level of evolution you have never even dreamed about.

Start your journey today.

The price of the course is 20€, we ensure full personalised and individual attention and tutoring. For students who go through this course as part of the application process for our centre, we will reimburse the full amount of the course plus a present of 10€ as a recognition for their commitment. With this little action, we want to express our wish for a good beginning in our centre. In case of having economic troubles, we are also open to different possibilities, upon your proposal.

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