Using the knowledge and the devices of our school, we decided to create a product to help you reach a positive evolution even if you don't have the time or the means to come to learn with us. The energy stones called the Flames of Aether are going to help you to reinforce your energy and to start a process of growth.

These energy stones are composed by a conductive metal piece in the center, covered in recycled cardboard and nicely wrapped with burnable paper and twine.

They come in a set of 3, accompanied by a handcrafted bracelet made of copper, which will be charged by the energy emanated by the Flames of Aether. The bracelet, once charged, will irradiate you with the power of the scalar waves and the healing power of the electromagnetic energy.

As you can see in the video below, the metal pieces and the recycled cardboard are energized with a special machine, Sokono. By burning the Flames of Aether, you will release their energy and irradiate your house with the scalar waves. The metal pieces will radiate the energy up to a month after their burning.

The copper bracelet is boosted by the Flames of Aether, but it will never stop working: being a very conductive metal, it will always work as an antenna, to attract new electromagnetic energy into your body.


Our best offers:
Starter pack: 3 stones + 1 bracelet: 50 euro
Initiation package: 3 stones + 1 bracelet + small oil burner: 60 euro
Meditation package: 3 stones + 1 bracelet + zen oil burner: 70 euro
Enlightenment package: 3 stones + 1 bracelet + graceful oil burner: 80 euro

Couple edition:
Stater pack couple edition: 3 stones + 2 bracelets: 60 euro
Initiation couple edition: 3 stones + 2 bracelets + small oil burner: 70 euro
Meditation couple edition: 3 stones + 2 bracelets + zen oil burner: 80 euro
Enlightenment couple edition: 3 stones + 2 bracelets + graceful oil burner: 90 euro

Family packages:
Family starter pack*: 3 stones + 3 bracelets: 65 euro
Initiation family package*: 3 stones + 3 bracelets + small oil burner: 75 euro
Meditation family package*: 3 stones + 3 bracelets + zen oil burner: 85 euro
Enlightenment family package*: 3 stones + 3 bracelets + graceful oil burner: 95 euro
*extra bracelet with the package for 10 euros each

Oil burners:
Small oil burner: 15 euros
Zen oil burner: 25 euros
Graceful oil burner: 40 euros

Extra offers:
Radiating stones: 3 stones: 40 euros
Radiating stones XL: 6 stones: 75 euros
Radiating stones XXL: 9 stones: 110 euros
Bracelet collector: 3 bracelets: 35 euros
Bracelet collector XL: 6 bracelets: 65 euros
Do-it-yourself bracelets: materials for 3 bracelets + detailed instructions: 30 euro

For returning customers:
Advanced energy worker package: 3+1 stones: 40 euros (with discount code only)

Give as a gift:
Choose any of our packages except the advanced energy worker to surprise your friends or family members. If you provide us with the details, we include a personalized gift card.

**Our prices do not include the price of the shipping

Use of the product

1. Place an oil burner or, if you don't posses one, a fireproof ceramic plate in the core of your house, any place where you want to reinforce the energy.

2. If you have an oil burner, light the candle until the plate becomes hot. The warmth is going to help the Flames of Aether to burn correctly.

3. Take one Flames of Aether out of the box, but don’t remove the wrapping candy-like paper; it is necessary for the product to burn correctly.
Place one Flames of Aether in the centre of the burner/plate

4. Place the bracelet close to the plate on the North side, so it can take the energy that radiates from the Flame.

5. Make sure there are no flamable objects in the proximity. Keep a safe distance. Be aware of the security measures to take when lighting a small flame.

6. Light the two ends of the paper, and wait until all the cardboard is burnt. The heat will free the energy gathered in the metal and cardboard.
The Flames of Aether produce a small burning flame and a smoke similar to the one of incense.
If you are sensitive to smoke, you may open a window, this won't affect the energy charging process.

7. DO NOT LEAVE THE BURNING STONES WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION. DO NOT TOUCH THE METAL PIECE BEFORE IT COMPLETELY COOLS DOWN (the metal will stay very warm for some minutes even after the rest of the product has completely burnt off).

8. Once the metal piece is cold, place it in a central part of your house, where it can radiate all the surroundings. The metal will continue radiating energy for about 21 days.

9. Wear the bracelet as much as possible, so it can refill your body with energy.

10. After 21 days, repeat the process with a second stone, and so on with a third one.
One package of three stones will fill your house with powerful energies for about two months.

11. Use the energy of the stones as a catharsis for change. It will help you to make positive changes in your life with more health, power, joy and less effort.

As a consumer of this product you are 100% responsible for your own safety and the safety of the others. Any harm to yourself, others or property that may result from your storage, use or handling of this product is your responsibility.
The safety instructions are only intended to inform you of the basic safety required when using this product. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, nor assume  any legal liability or responsibility for your storage, handling or use of the product.