What the school will offer you

Learn the spirit of IKIGAI, the Japanese triangle of success:
1. Do something that you love
2. Do something that will earn you living
3. Do something beneficial for the world

- Develop a clear and strong spirit.
- Allow your inspiration and your creative side to become assets.
- Transcend and accomplish everything you want.

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Objective: Physical and mental tonicity

Spirit Garden's image


- Effective communication, NLP
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Esperanto, Fao, Hungarian)
- Music (Piano, Guitar, Flute)

Spirit Garden's image


- Holistic health, well-being and naturopathy:
- Osteopathy and therapeutical massage
- Homeopathy
- Aromatherapy and Floral elixirs
- Dynamised/electrified water of Marcel Violet
- Electro-magnetic health
- Scalar waves and Vibration Level (Bovis scale to measure life force and vitality)
- Chromotherapy (Method of Dr Agrapart)
- Colour reading – psychological/behavioural analysis
- Fao therapy

Spirit Garden's image


- Electroculture, organic gardening
- Handcrafting and DIY
- Animals' care (The school is a sanctuary for cats, dogs, birds, chickens, fish, and bees)
- Ecological living
- Veganism Vegetarianism
- Yoga (different types)
- Tai Chi Chuan and Tui Shu
- Shaolin Kung fu and philosophy
- Japanese Martial Arts
- Budo
- Meditation
- Archery
- Cooking and baking